Donald Trump Brings up Joe Biden’s Son Drug Addition History
Joe Biden tells America that Trump was incompetent in handling Coronavirus

The U.S. President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden went for each other jugulars during the first 2020 first presidential debate. The 90-minute debate which was held at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic in Ohio was viewed by various political analysts as a horrific one. The Republican and the Democratic Party’s candidates have been criticized by media for using the platform to take a swipe on one another and to reveal one another dirty linens.
For many pundits, the debate did not serve its purpose. It did absolutely nothing to enlighten the public about the candidates and their intention to serve the country if given the four years position as president. The disorganization was caused by angry interruptions by both Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Both of them peddled insults and went ahead to discredit one another for the larger part of the debates.

The candidates were asked about the economy, supreme court, corona virus pandemic, race and violence, their records and integrity of the election.

While Trump interrupted Biden on almost every question, Biden made use of some insulting words calling the President a ‘clown’ and telling him to ‘shut up’.
Chris Wallace, Fox news anchor and moderator of the night, could hardly control the both candidates as there was several interruptions on both sides.
In Trump’s defense of his tax records, Trump declared plainly that ‘I don’t want to pay tax’ which was in contradiction of his report in the New York Times where he declared that he paid million of taxes.

Biden in reaction to how the President handled the Coronavirus pandemic said that ‘This is the man who told you by Easter this would be gone away. By the warm weather, it’d be gone – like a miracle. And by the way, maybe you could inject some bleach into your arms.’
Trump also brought up claims on Biden’s son acting corruptly in Ukraine, he also incited Biden by talking about Biden’s son past drug addiction. Biden interrupted saying ‘This is not about my family or his family, this is about your family – the American people.’

Biden while answering a question on the president’s supreme court nominee was interrupted by President Trump, but Biden retorted ‘Will you shut up, man?’
Read Also: Putin Finally Congratulates Biden as US President-Elect
In response to the question asked by the moderator concerning supremacists and armed groups fueling violence in the country, Trump replied ‘Sure, I’m willing to (tell them to stand down), but I would say almost everything I see is from the left wing, not from the right wing. I’m willing to do anything. I want to see peace’
Peace Omenka